In relazione ai molteplici quesiti che ogni anno riceviamo su “come ci si deve vestire” e “quali scarpe mettersi” ai tornei internazionali “Finder Italian Grand Masters” e “Open Italia”, teniamo a ribadire che la regola dei tornei internazionali in ambito W.D.F. è la seguente:
16.01 Players are not permitted to wear jeans: neither shall they wear trousers or skirts made with denim or corduroy material, which have been fashioned in a “jeans style”. No training shoes will be allowed unless the player provides written medical reasons from a qualified practitioner. This restriction shall also apply to any form of “track suit” attire.
16.02 Players are permitted to wear sweatbands on their wrists.
16.03 No headgear, or headphones other than on religious grounds, or medical grounds with written medical reasons from a qualified practitioner, shall be worn without the prior permission of the Organiser following a written application from the player.
16.04 Players are not permitted to wear anything over their approved Playing Attire during match play, in any introductions, match play on stage, interviews, and presentations, other than at the discretion of the Organisers.
16.05 In all Darts Events the Playing Attire of any participating player shall be subject to the Organiser’s approval. Any unacceptable Playing Attire must be changed before that player can participate in any introductions, match play, interviews, or presentations.
16.06 Any player refusing to meet with an Organiser’s requirements in respect of Playing Attire shall be liable to forfeit that respective match.
16.01 Players are not permitted to wear jeans: neither shall they wear trousers or skirts made with denim or corduroy material, which have been fashioned in a “jeans style”. No training shoes will be allowed unless the player provides written medical reasons from a qualified practitioner. This restriction shall also apply to any form of “track suit” attire.
16.02 Players are permitted to wear sweatbands on their wrists.
16.03 No headgear, or headphones other than on religious grounds, or medical grounds with written medical reasons from a qualified practitioner, shall be worn without the prior permission of the Organiser following a written application from the player.
16.04 Players are not permitted to wear anything over their approved Playing Attire during match play, in any introductions, match play on stage, interviews, and presentations, other than at the discretion of the Organisers.
16.05 In all Darts Events the Playing Attire of any participating player shall be subject to the Organiser’s approval. Any unacceptable Playing Attire must be changed before that player can participate in any introductions, match play, interviews, or presentations.
16.06 Any player refusing to meet with an Organiser’s requirements in respect of Playing Attire shall be liable to forfeit that respective match.
Da essa emerge che comunque il giudizio finale spetta agli organizzatori.
Per tale motivo vogliamo chiarire che:
– è fortemente consigliato, per non incorrere in alcuna problematica di sorta, vestire pantaloni e gonne di taglio classico;
– è fortemente consigliato portare scarpe non da ginnastica, sobrie e chiuse che non diano in alcun modo luogo a discussioni;
– nell’impossibilità di controllare le numerose centinaia di giocatori fin dal mattino, in caso di reclami da parte di avversari o arbitri il giudizio del tavolo sarà improntato al regolamento W.D.F. e ovviamente sarà da ritenersi vincolante;
– negli ultimi turni, cioè quelli che danno luogo a una premiazione sul palco per chi ci arriva, il controllo da parte dell’organizzazione sarà invece preventivo e puntuale e chi si dovesse trovare non in regola non potrà giocare quei turni.